Apolo-344 - Liquid cooling solution Outdoor Liquid Cooling Cabinet
Apolo-344 - Liquid cooling solution Outdoor Liquid Cooling Cabinet
All-in-one design with liquid
cooled battery rack preinstalled and a plug and play
interface for auxiliary power
supply, communication, and
DC connection, which can be
installed as a single system
or as a system of multiple
paralleled cabinets.
Innovation individual rack
based liquid cooling
technology with cell
temperature difference
controlled within ℃2 and
prolonged life cycle
above 20% with minimum
service interventions
during the life span.
Modular design with high
energy density, compatible
with 500V~1500V system.
Back-to-back or left and
right installation saving a
footprint above 50%.
Smart battery management
system enhancing the cell
consistency, supporting mix
usage of old battery and
new battery and deployment
and augmentation in
batches. LCOS decreased
up to 20% for the entire life.